Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The mission of the Church is clearly expressed in the Great Commission. Calvary Chapel is committed to extending ministry outside the walls of our church to do local and global missions outreach work. Below you will find some efforts we are committed to.
Calvary Chapel Belem, Brazil
In 2017, members of Calvary Chapel Palm City, Kyle and Krista Fox, were sent by the church to the city of Belem, Brazil, where they labored to plant a church in the heart of the city. After years of ministry and the successful establishment of Calvary Chapel Belem, the Fox family departed Brazil in 2023 and continue to do ministry in California through their non-profit. Dia Gratia. They left Calvary Chapel Belem in the care of two nationals they discipled for years, Kelvin and Heloisa Bruder. Today, Pastor Kelvin and Heloisa continue to serve at Calvary Chapel Belem. They have weekly prayer meetings, men's & women's discipleship groups, home fellowships, and a ministry dedicated to serving Venezuelen refugees and victims of human trafficking.
Calvary Chapel Palm City financially supports Kelvin and Heloisa and the ministry of Calvary Chapel Belem through monthly support donations. We also are committed to visiting Brazil with a ministry support team every other year.
Calvary Chapel Palm City financially supports Kelvin and Heloisa and the ministry of Calvary Chapel Belem through monthly support donations. We also are committed to visiting Brazil with a ministry support team every other year.

Kyle and Krista Fox

Kelvin and Heloisa Bruder

Love and Hope in Action (LAHIA)
Founded in 2007 and located in Stuart, Florida, Love and Hope in Action (LAHIA) is an independent, nondenominational ministry reaching the hungry, homeless, and hurting locally in Martin County. LAHAIA operates a full service daytime safe space for those who are hungry, homeless, and hurting with the goal of helping them transition out of their situation through pathways to self sufficiency. They do this through various relationships in the community and by meeting basic physical and spiritual needs for those who seek help.
Members of Calvary Chapel Palm City regularly volunteer at LAHIA, which is open six days a week. Several times a year the church also organizes a drive and members of the congregation bring in essentials LAHIA has shortage of.
Members of Calvary Chapel Palm City regularly volunteer at LAHIA, which is open six days a week. Several times a year the church also organizes a drive and members of the congregation bring in essentials LAHIA has shortage of.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)
Each year, Operation Christmas Child sends over 11 million packed shoeboxes to children all over the world. These children not only receive the packed gifts, but a Gospel presentation and an invitation to discipleship in Jesus' name.
Every year, members of Calvary Chapel Palm City commit to packing shoeboxes to send to children all over the world. Through our connections with the regional partners at OCC, we annually commit to packing and sending 5% of the area regional goal. In 2024, the regional goal was 7,777 boxes. Calvary Chapel committed to packing 388, and sent XXX!
Every year, members of Calvary Chapel Palm City commit to packing shoeboxes to send to children all over the world. Through our connections with the regional partners at OCC, we annually commit to packing and sending 5% of the area regional goal. In 2024, the regional goal was 7,777 boxes. Calvary Chapel committed to packing 388, and sent XXX!

Grounded in Christ Coffee Shop
Every Sunday before service our Grounded in Christ coffee shop serves hot and iced coffee drinks to the church family. All profits from the cafe are contributed to the ministry of Calvary Chapel Belem. Contributing to global missions can be as easy as enjoying a cup of coffee!

"Make the Great Commission Your Personal Mission!"
Let us know that you are interested in being part of our missions efforts.